Christopher James "Chris" Ross is an Australian musician. He was the founding bass guitarist and keyboardist of hard rock band, Wolfmother, from 2000 to August 2008. His trademark stage antic is playing the keyboard at a slant or vertically.  After leaving Wolfmother with Heskett, the pair worked as Doom Buggy, then they formed Palace of Fire (with Matt Blackman) in 2009. In 2011 Ross and Heskett formed Good Heavens with Sarah Kelly (ex-theredsunband). Chris Ross strings are from when he played with Wolfmother. See more at 

A portion of profits from the sale of Chris Ross' strings go to UNICEF. Every day, children die needlessly from preventable causes—and they don’t have to. UNICEF takes proven, low-cost methods that save children’s lives and makes them available regardless of income, ethnicity or location. See more at
  • Chris Ross Pendant

    Handcrafted in the USA, this piece of wearable memorabilia features a recycled string donated by the musician listed above.    One inch sealed stainless steel and glass locket also contains a disc engraved...
  • Chris Ross Cuff

    Handcrafted in the USA, this piece of wearable memorabilia features a recycled string donated by the musician listed above.    The stainless steel cuff bracelet is adorned by discs engraved with the initials of this musician. Choose from...
  • Chris Ross Bracelet

    Handcrafted in the USA, this piece of wearable memorabilia features a recycled string donated by the musician listed above.  Crafted with used guitar strings, this bracelet features a stainless steel clasp for a...
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