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Flogging Molly is a seven-piece Irish-American Irish punk band that formed in Los Angeles and is currently signed under SideOneDummy Records. In an interview with Kerrang! magazine, singer Dave King revealed that the band's name comes from Molly Malone's, also known as the LA tarrier, an Irish pub in LA. "We used to play there every Monday night and we felt like we were flogging it to death, so we called the band Flogging Molly." See more at
A portion of profits from the sale of Robert Schmidt's strings go to Free Tibet: Free Tibet is a non-profit, non-governmental organization, founded in 1987 and based in London, England. It stands for the rights of Tibetans to determine their own future and campaigns for "an end to the Chinese occupation of Tibet and for the fundamental human rights of Tibetans to be respected." It is a member of the International Tibet Support Network (ITSN), a worldwide group of affiliated organizations campaigning for human rights and self-determination in Tibet. See more at