I love autumn! There’s no denying it or hiding it. I love everything about it (except candy corn! I will never understand candy corn). Big cozy sweaters, brown boots and my tan infinity scarf (thanks Hannah!). What’s not to love? And now that fall is here, we here at Wear Your Music are busy gearing up for an incredible holiday season. New colors and styles for our guitar string bracelets, new artists, and some awesome sales you won’t want to miss! Sign up for our newsletter HERE and get ready for a rockin’ holiday season! 



                                Breast Cancer Awareness Month

     Nancy and Ann Wilson of Heart, generously donate all the proceeds from the sale of their guitar string bracelets to the Busted Foundation. This foundation helps support cancer patients and their families during times of hardship. Check out Heart's Guitar String Bracelets HERE and help donate to the Busted Foundation today!