One thing we love more than anything else in the whole world (except chocolate, of course) is seeing literally THOUSANDS of fans proudly rocking all kinds of guitar string bracelets. We see it on instagram (#whosestringsareyouwearing) and we often post them here, too.

Back To School time make us think about how to style outfits around guitar string bracelets and we'd love your help!  After all, Wear Your Music is all about community. So, in that spirit, will you help?

If you'd like to style an awesome outfit around a bracelet then we'd like to send you a FREE BRACELET!  Email us at with your mailing address (USA only). Then we'll send you a bracelet (of our choice) to style and shoot and you can email us a pic to post! Of course, this is while supplies last.  So get on it!

Sound good?

