We're so excited to announce sisters Leah and Chloe Smith, founding members of Rising Appalachia, have joined the Wear Your Music Famous Musician Charity Project! Hannah Garrison, WYM founder, was able to sit down with them at the end of 2019 to show them a few of the pieces fans have already been ordering. 

The bands combination of acoustic folk and southern soul brought a feeling of calmness and ease to a packed Bowery Ballroom in Manhattan. Hannah said "I was absolutely blown away by the energy in the room at the show. Unbelievably inspiring! Leah and Chloe were warm and welcoming afterwards and helped the band gather up strings for me to take with me that very night!"

Chloe and Leah have chosen to donate the profits from the sale of their guitar and banjo string jewelry to Honor The EarthHonor the Earth uses indigenous wisdom, music, art, and the media to raise awareness and support for Indigenous Environmental Issues. 

Learn more about Honor The Earth and how the profits from the sale of Rising Appalachia's Guitar String Bracelets, Cuffs and Pendants can make a difference.

View all Rising Appalachia's Guitar String Jewelry HERE.