Congratulations Rachel A., this month's winner of a Ben Harper Guitar String Bracelet!

Did you know... 

Ben Harper is well known for his activism. He’s an environmental activist, and he’s known to work against poverty and hunger. "I end up gravitating toward causes that I feel sincere about and feel that I can contribute to. And there’s just that pull, you know, there’s just that pull that’s trying to get the most meaning out of one’s life and part of the way I get meaning out of my life is contributing in different ways in different places,”  

Ben donated the profits of the sale of his bracelets to Living Lands & Waters.
Check out all of Ben Harpers items HERE.

If you didn't win this month don't worry! If you've entered before, you'll be automatically included in the next drawing.

Let celebrate Rachel's win!  Use code SEPTCONTEST and save 15% on ANY order, including Famous Musician Bracelets! Today Only (9/12/17).