We can't wait. Check out the summer and fall tour dates below!
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Widespread Panic: John Bell
A portion of profits from the sale of John Bell's strings go to Nuçi’s Space: Nuçi’s Space is a non-profit health and music resource center in Athens, GA. The aim of the organization is to prevent suicide by providing obstacle free treatment for musicians suffering from depression and other such disorders as well as to assist in the emotional, physical and professional well-being of musicians. See more at
Widespread Panic: Dave Schools
A portion of profits from the sale of Dave Schools' strings go to Nuçi’s Space: Nuçi’s Space is a non-profit health and music resource center in Athens, GA. The aim of the organization is to prevent suicide by providing obstacle free treatment for musicians suffering from depression and other such disorders as well as to assist in the emotional, physical and professional well-being of musicians. See more at
Widespread Panic: Jimmy Herring
A portion of profits from the sale of Jimmy Herring's strings go to Gwinnett Children’s Shelter: Gwinnett Children’s Shelter offers a 3-12 month transitional living program that offers homeless children (and their moms) free room and board while providing individual “life skills” training with all the resources needed to begin an independent life journey. See more at